From 2001 through 2009, yours truly, served as President of the American Civil Liberties Union of Greater Jacksonville, Florida. I also served as Interim Regional Director of the Northeast Regional Office of the ACLU of Florida. I particularly enjoyed the frequent opportunities to speak at public events, schools, businesses, clubs, and organizations about our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, civil rights, civil liberties, and the work of the ACLU. I was a member of the ACLU State Board of Directors and a former National Delegate to the ACLU Biennial Convention. The seriousness and diversity of the issues and questions surrounding the Constitution and Bill of Rights make for a stimulating challenge. Some of the issues that confront us and the ACLU are: The Death Penalty, Homelessness, Religious Liberty, Executive Powers, NSA Warrantless Wiretapping, Drug Policies, Free Speech, LGBT rights, Police Practices, Tasers, Racial Justice, Women’s Rights, Civil Rights Restoration, Fair Voting Practices, and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

From 2004 through 2010, I hosted a local television show titled, civil discourse, which discussed many ACLU issues. civil discourse aired each Thursday evening at 6:30pm in Jacksonville, Florida on Cable Channel 29. "Finally, controversial issues discussed in a civil manner. Let us know, friend or foe, we want you on the show."Our client is the Bill of Rights”  -Ken
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